Is there a complete list of controls and syntax for the DISPLAY behaviour please guys?
Looking (if possible!) to a definitive list of modifiers/identifiers for use in the DISPLAY (and possible other) behaviours?
I can't believe I can't seem to find anything like this, in my searches on the Web, GS cookbook, forum, etc!
ie. say I'm trying to display multiple attributes in one display line:-
'You Need ''Points For '
You Need 1,500 Points for GOLD
Now, I know from my experiences, that ie. trying to display Booleans doesn't seem to work for anything - displaying them on their own works fine - "true" or "false" are shown as expected... ...but in terms of building up complex, multi-attribute display strings, I haven't had a lot of joy! - It's probably something I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to find ANY overall list of what's allowed or not, what control strings / characters I can use, aside from the couple of normal ones (ie. concatanation, etc), and even then, I'm not sure of what happens / if it doesn't like it, if you add a few to a DISPLAY behaviour?
I can do:-
game.Ach_Requirement..' : '' : '
and it will display, eg:-
150 : 4 : 50
but other combinations of text and numerical attributes seem to make it throw a paddy?
Basically, looking for ANY comprehensive info/list, with examples, as regards more complex or multi-type, multi-attribute dsplays - ie. any syntax or control characters that will enable this to be worked out without a shedload of failed attempts and guesswork?
PS - I've tried researching LUA syntax, but it really just seems to return pages giving other syntax options that don't seem to work?
I've tried inserting different characters normally found elsewhere into my expression, but nothing really seems to work as expected when trying to display more complex expressions/combinations?
Does anyone know of more than the usual "\n", ".." etc ones, and also, if trying to concatanate more than one text value and attribute together can be done, and if so, how it can be done for given attribute types please?
Cheers all!
There isn't a comprehensive list that I'm aware of. The only limitation for concatenating is one that you discovered: booleans don't work. See this, though:
Can you give examples of this?
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Is it possible to add spaces into that expression?
For example: "Name: "..self.Name
Thanks in advance.
Yes, for a space use either \32 or option+space (mac) or alt+space (windows). ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Cool. Thanks for your help.
@Rohal, you're welcome. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page