Destroying Actor
Hello everyone.
I'm creating a game sort of like doodle jump but when the actor hits the object, the object disappears. The issue I'm having is now more than 90% of the objects i am hitting get destroyed but then theres that 10% that just lets me keep bouncing on the object instead of getting destroyed like it should.. I keep checking the rules and i can't find anything as to why those random objects will not destroy like the rest of them. Is this a glitch in game salad? Newest version on an mac
Any help is appreciated thank you.
Check to make sure you don't have any unlocked actors on your scene. Do this by double-clicking on each actor. If you see a lock symbol, it means that actor is using the prototype rules. If you don't (and instead see a "Revert to Prototype" button at the top), it means you've created an instance of that actor with its own rules. That could be causing the problem.
Are these different actors that are having collision/destroy problems or copies (spawned) of the same actor?
Have you tried moving the problematic actor(s) to a new blank scene? If so, what was the result? Do they act as expected?
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Right when i read the part about the copies of the actors i checked and that was the issue. Sorry its just I've been on it for 8 hrs straight now and i got a little frustrated. Thank you so much!
You're welcome! Glad I could help and we've all been there...
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