Change linear motion while touch is pressed?
Hello all,
I have been trying to make an rule so that when i touch the screen my ships engines fires of and continue to fire until i release but i can't get it to work i can only get it to make action every time i touch the screen like flappy bird. But i want it to be more like jetpack joyride!
I have tried :
Rule if touch is outer and inner
when change attribute to linear motion 250
but i don't get it to work?
Anyone that know how to do this?
Hoping you understand what i mean?
Kind regards
use touchpoints and the whole screen. so when touchpoint is 1 do the rule, stop doing the rule when touchpoint is 0
What is touchpoint? i am really a newbie=)
In the actor, put an accelerate behaviour, relative to scene, pointing down with acceleration = 400;
Put a rule that says : when mouse button is down , accelerate (relative to scene, pointing up, acceleration = 1000);
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Hi all,
My problem was that i was not using when mouse down i just used when touch is outside, didn't know i could use mouse for mobile=)
Thanks all!