Rule help.
To give you an idea of what i am talking think of candy crush.
Right so i need help figuring out a rule. Say i have an blue actor. The game set up would be similar candy crush. I have 3 blue actors touching one another and at a different separate part I have 2 blue actors touching each other. Now say If i destroyed the set of three you get 100 points and the set of two gives you 75. How would I set this up. I was thinking about making a game lvl attribute and giving it +one when the blue bricks touch. But that wouldnt work cause that would make it +5 because of my two different sets.
I know i prob lost you their because I got lost myself. Any tips on how to make this work will help me out alot.
You need a logic tree that tracks when blocks are touching and the same color and awards a defined score based on the number of same blocks destroyed. To detailed to write out here but you have game level attributes for each color and when a block is touched it adds +1 to that variable this mechanism will be integrated into your scoring logic. I would make my scoring logic a separate independent block of code.
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Interesting, I will be sure to try that.