Chartboost show ads question
Hi all,
I have a question,
I would like to put some ads in my game and i like the ads from chartboost.
But my game is all in one scene, even the menu's etc.. so how can i put them in there?
When my hero dies the menu slides in with the score, return button etc.. but how can i show ads between there?
I know you can show ads when you change scene, but is there another way?
New game!: [Snake Rage]
make a empty scene put a unpause behavior there in a actor offscreen. and on your main scene put a pause game behavior in some sort of trigger like actor dies or timer whatever. This way when pause is triggered it will goto pause scene and right back and you can have ads checked and they will show.
I usually put my un-pause in a 0.3 timer.
thanks! i will try that!
New game!: [Snake Rage]
@BBEnk Thanks! it works like a charm!
for future people asking the same question.
what i did because of my menu is sliding in.
when the menu is triggered there is a timer for 4sec, after those 4 seconds the game pause is triggered. it goes to another scene with an other time attribute for 0.3sec and unpause in it and so it goes back.
New game!: [Snake Rage]