Tables question

Hi all

I am currently using tables to display the levels in one of my games. There's 30 levels. I also want the player to swipe levels in blocks of 10. I can display all 30 on the first block but I wanted to break this down in to 10 - 10 -10

How do I get the table to display from Row 1 line 1-10 for example, instead of displaying 1-30 levels? I hope this makes sense lol

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Best Answer

  • jsorr2jsorr2 Posts: 279
    edited December 2014 Accepted Answer
    • when scene is started, spawn 10 actors in the correct places, then display levels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
    • when scene is swiped
    • move to scene 2
    • in scene 2 display levels 11,12,13...20.
    • when scene 2 is swiped
    • move to scene 3
    • in scene 3 display levels 21,22...30

    All it is, is changing scenes and displaying different values. You can even copy and past the first scene 2 times, and just change the logic for the 10 actors (10 levels).


  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    Hard to say without seeing your code, but you just create a game attribute called DisplayLevel and set it to 10. Then in your table expression, you plug in that attribute for the columns. This way it'll display row 1, columns 1-10. Then when you swipe to go to the next ten, change that game attribute to 20. A very vague answer, but hopefully it puts you on the right track.

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