Free Interpolate Grid movement Template (to replace 'move to')
I whipped up an interpolate template for my project and decided to post it here as well because it was a bit annoying to figure out, even though it looks simple.
The template mimics the Move-to behaviour, except it will never become bugged. It also bypasses the interpolate annoyance where if you do 2 interpolates too quickly the actor teleports to the position.
So If you need to move an actor on a grid by holding down a key, this will interpolate an actor +32 pixels continuously and fluidly until you let go of the key.
Green actor is interpolate template. Light blue actor is move-to. Dark blue is change attribute.
@jsorr2 -- interesting! Does this replace your slightly more complicated smooth grid movement solution from a couple of weeks ago?
Thanks for sharing this with the community.
@RThurman yeah it does, the problem with that logic was it made the actor look like it was sliding, aswell as if the leading actor did a circle the main following actor would go diagonal.
Moving in the Y axis, I'm seeing it jump; it isn't smooth anymore. What am I doing wrong?