Looking for Poptrpica, Machinarium Type Character Control

floatingwoofloatingwoo Los Angeles, Calif.Member Posts: 393

Hi, Nu-be here! To Game Salad anyway , literally I just downloaded it over the weekend. I'm going to go through this forum with a fine toothed comb but meanwhile I thought I would ask, if any one could point me in the right direction, tutorials , templet whatever.
I am interested in creating a game with a little character much like machinarium, or poptropica , the character controlled by the user,camera follows, scrolling bkg etc, (sits and waits for them to interact , wipes his nose while he's waiting , that sort of stuff.) I am pretty savvy in javascript , spent many years with flash (action script) I know about frame animation, goToAndPlay kind of stuff (old School). sprite sheets are kind of new to me. I v'e been drawing for a while you can see some of what I do on my tumbler here...


I know I will figure it out on my own but any help would be awesome. Thanks


  • jamie_cjamie_c ImagineLabs.rocks Member, PRO Posts: 5,772

    I don't have a specific tutorial or template to offer up but you might consider using the Move To Behavior to control the player. The theory is:

    1. Touch or click screen and capture the location's X and Y coordinates. Save those two items as Game Level Attributes.
    2. Use the Move To Behavior to move your player to those X and Y coordinates.
    3. Repeat.

    On/in your player character you'd want to add a Control Camera Behavior so the screen scrolls with him.

    If you are familiar with javascript you probably get the picture, if not I could put a demo together for you quickly.

    Also just FYI, Gamesalad uses frame based animation (at least for now) so you don't need to learn about sprite sheets yet. Though sometime in the future I believe they are going to support sprite sheets.

  • floatingwoofloatingwoo Los Angeles, Calif.Member Posts: 393

    Awesome thanks! I spent a few hours going through tutorials on line. I believe it was your tutorial called "Recipe 002 Graphics and Animation" that put me pretty close to where I can start to play around with what I'm looking for. BTW I really want to acknowledge you for your energy and generosity for all the good info you have provided online. Thanks
    Got into this to teach my kids (game dev) and I'm getting a real education myself.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @floatingwoo‌ -- Welcome to the forums. I really like your art style!

    I think you will find that GameSalad is a great development environment for machinarium type games. Enjoy your time with GameSalad.

  • floatingwoofloatingwoo Los Angeles, Calif.Member Posts: 393

    Well,it really did not take long to create a character close to what I wanted. moves left, right, jumps, idles all with animation. All cool! Working on scrolling bkg. in relation to actor next.
    Is there anyway to control easing in or out on any of this? Its rather abrupt.

  • floatingwoofloatingwoo Los Angeles, Calif.Member Posts: 393

    Perhaps there are some controls in Interpolate Behavior?

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    Yes, interpolate is used for that. So you could interpolate the actor's velocity starting at 0 and ramping up to 100 using ease in. Later you could stop the actor's velocity by interpolating it down to 0 using ease out.

  • floatingwoofloatingwoo Los Angeles, Calif.Member Posts: 393

    Thanks man! I'm on it!

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