Score system not working

Hi, I am new to both the program and the game. My current college project involves a memory training game of our choice, and so, i am using gamesalad. I am almost done with it, but there is a problem that has been there for the start: the scoring.
To better understand my project, I will try to describe what I have done:

-I created 4 scenes:menu, easy, medium and hard.
-Each difficulty has it's operation: Easy only has a sum, in Medium one number multiplies by another, and in Hard, there is a multiplication and a sum with another number.
-Although the operations are the same, the numbers are random between 1 and 10.
-To input the answer, I created 3 boxes that upon clicking and inputing a number key, it saves the digits of the answer (E.G:to input 124, you hold the click on the first box from the left and input one, and then hold the click on the middle box and input 2, and so on).

The first odd thing appears here. after working for some time with "easy" in order to figure out how to do it, it suddenly does not let me insert any more actors on the scene, yet I don't have that problem with any other scenes.

-As the program does not let me insert any more actors, I use one of the answer boxes to insert the rule where upon pressing Enter/return , change scene, adding or not a point if the answer is right or wrong. This is an aproximation of what i have there:

When (All) of the following is happening:
{receives a key press(return) is:(down)}

Change Atributte: //where I create the right answer by performing the sum of the 2 generated numbers
set: (game.Right_Answer)
if (game.Right_Answer) (=) (game.Given_Answer)
(Change Atributte:
set: (game.Score)
to: (game.Score)+1
Change Scene:
go to (Easy)
else Change Scene:
go to Easy



I honestly don't know where the problem is. i would post a link to download the project, but the names are all in portuguese.


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