is there a good way to animate on GS for PC?

obviously 1 frame at a time works, but as far as I can tell you have to scroll to to the right before adding every frame.
if you try to add more than 10-15 frames then GS crashes.
Also the 200 frames of different animation sequences that make up one character in my game cant be organized ? seems to be no directory system in the media section. what happens when i get all 10 characters in? 2000 frames in one directory?
is there a better build of GS for animating? should I do all my animating on mac?
yes this is sort of already an unanswered thread
No, animation and image sorting is limited in GS at the moment. You'll also find if you try to import more than a certain amount of images, GS will crash. It may also crash loading a large amount of images that are inside it as well.
Mac and PC versions are the same in this regard.
If there is a crash on GameSalad Creator from importing to many animation frames please submit a bug in our public bug database so we can fix it. This is the first i have heard of this bug.
It can be slow, and it can appear to have hung, but loading large amounts of images does not crash GameSalad, only very recently I imported 10,000 images (numerals 0-9999) and GS looked like it hung/froze, but I checked the project size on the desktop and could see it was slowly growing, so left it to do its thing for a few minutes and it imported just fine, I expect a lot of people would interpret this a GameSalad having hung and so just quit/force quit.
Mine literally just closes (even importing just 1 picture after I've been using it awhile). I'm pretty patient with GS.
If GameSalad crashes after importing 1 image then I suspect there is a more fundamental issue going on with GameSalad and your system, I wouldn't necessarily translate that into GameSalad having a limitation with 'image sorting' - any more than if Photoshop crashed when I used the brush tool would mean that Photoshop's brush tool is limited.
Socks what operating system do you run exactly, because this is not the only thread about this, people want to be able to animate large numbers of frames with GS. BTw Youre the best socks!
ty for being so smart and helpfull
and its not "freezing" or appearing to crash, its literally crashing. with an error message. no error code or anyy thing just "sorry Gamesalad has stopped working" and your option is "close GS" or "close GS"..... maybe if i wasnt on poopy windows 8?
Like I say I recently (literally a couple of days ago) used a 9,999 frame animation, it was for a score system, as a way of getting around having 5 actors with 5 constrains each (25 constrains!) running, I thought I might experiment with simply rendering out individual images for 1-10,000 as the files sizes for each were tiny (1-2kb), I didn't go with it in the end, but the actual process of importing and using the long image sequence was just fine.
I'm on OS X, but like @BlackCloakGS says in his reply above, If there is a crash when importing lots of animation frames then it must be a bug, rather than a limitation of how GameSalad works.