Hello, do you guys know what to do for universal projects for all iDevices
Hey guys i was wondering whats the most convenient way to make a project universal?. like what settings do you begin your project with, what size should the graphics be.
Thank you
Start with iPad orientation and use overscan. It's that simple. Just make sure you place your actors in a position where they'll be visible on all devices. It's that simple.
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Adding on to whats already been said, turn Resolution independence off and make images 3x bigger than the actors you use them for.
I would say the opposite, turn RI on and make all your artwork 2x the size of your actors.
Just going off searches through the forums. A lot of users have had blurry images with RI on. And the general consensus was 3x. Have not heard of 2x.
Only when previewing, as a temporary measure to preview on a device you can get around this by disabling RI, but when it comes to publishing RI should be on (if you want to support pre-Retina devices) and Legacy RI should also be checked.
You've not heard of 2x ?
A simple question, how much memory would a 512 pixel x 512 pixel actor take up at 3x resolution and at 2x resolution ? (factoring in the powers-of-two rule).
And also what advantages would 3x offer over 2x ?
im not exactly sure why there are no definitive answers on this topic.
when i create a new project in iPhone landscape, it gives me 480x320... this is NOT iPhone 6 landscape dimensions. how is that even close to right?
Try stretch to fit?
Blurry images are usually caused by using RI and not making sure your images are divisible by 2 so if you have an image thats 29 x 15 on older devices it will appear as an image of 14.5 x 7.5 the .5 is whats causing the blur…I could be wrong as its been a while since i published a game but thats how it used to work.
A new resolution system has recently been introduced confusing some people.
I reccomended reading what a retina display is and it will make sense.
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Ive seen this type of discussion many times myself...even started one. Heres what I learned. (Part from back in graphic design in highschool). If you are making art work to be published in a book...your art should always be larger than the end result...2x or 4x...and this is what I was told is the same for GS...so when I can...if I know my image will be 40x40....I make it on my iPad...or what ever software you use at 160x160....my end results have been crisp images...I also turn RI off. I now make my games using the iPad format. I also use stretch during publishing...and although this has worked for me...it is only a work around at the moment. Next year I intend on learning how to place actors according to screen detection sizes. There are quite a few forum threads and even a few templates by several users tuteorials explaing this but I havent forced my self to learn it enough to implement that technique. In fact I paid someone to do it for me recently and thats what really made me decide "Im going to have to learn it".
IPad format
RI off
Actors 2x or 4x end result
Stretch or true Universal
Nice looking game on all devices.
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A 40 x 40 pixel actor would need an 80 x 80 pixel image, which would use up 128 x 128 pixels of memory (due to the powers-of-two rule).
A 40 x 40 pixel actor with a 160 x 160 pixel image would use up 256 x 256 pixels of memory, or 400% the memory usage of an 128 x 128 image, the kind of inefficiency that will make itself known in a fast moving game with lots of images.
And this 4 fold increase in memory usage comes with no additional gain in image fidelity, as that 160 x 160 pixel image is just being scaled back down to 80 x 80 pixels (via Open GL) by the device
Doubtlessly, but no more crisp than if you had used an 80 x 80 pixel image.
As it stands this will simply drop support for (or put additional burden on - depending on how you view it) pre-Retina devices.
I usually do at least 2x. One of the other benefits is you can animate that object, grow, etc and not have it look like monkey dookie.
If i make my images 2x and turn RI on will my images on an iphone 6/6 plus be blurry?