Highscore from scene

I am wondering if it possible and how I can do this function?

essentially I want the user of my app to select a category for example a speed category were they will be taken to a random scene for that specific category. The user will then play that scene and the highscore from that scene will be saved in speed highscores.

I have a highscore table like this;

Jump - score
Speed - score
Flight - score

Every time the user plays a category the score will be added ontop of the previous score hence creating a total.

Is this possible and how can I do this?

Thank you so much in advance for the help, I know that it may be hard to understand but I'm hoping I can get help.


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Start by Googling gamesalad highscore table. There are videos and tutorials available. If you get stuck after watching/reading them, post a specific question here and include the rules and behaviors you are using and what is/is not working.

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