Table Still Comes Back After Deleting
Hello All,
So to start I am running this in GS Creator 0.12.10. In my project there is a table that is no longer needed. I deleted it and confirmed that I wanted it deleted. It deletes and is no longer there. After closing out the project and then reopening it, the table is back as if I had never deleted it and I can see it in the Table drop down menu and I can access it but am now not able to delete if I try again. Has anyone else experienced this bug/issue???
Killer Penguin Studios
The only table that comes back when I delete or rename it is the purchase table. Never had any other table display similar behaviours.
Try doing a save as.
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That is the table I am referring to.
I did try that. Is this a new feature that I did not realize before where there is an automatic purchase table in there???
AFAIK you can not delete the PurchaseTable table it is part of Creator put there as part of the IAP system whether you use it or not.
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That's what I was telling you bro. It's there by deafault.
Yeah, it's a default table used for IAP's I believe. You can't delete it. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Correct you can not delete the PurchaseTable or Network Table they are need by our engine for the IAP and Network systems.
Don't be a jerk! HAHAHA J/K. I just wanted to make sure!
Thank you for responding and informing me. Lol