Before Publishing
I would like to know from your experience with gamesalad or developing games at all
that what's the important things should to do before publishing the game ?
like what to write on " credit " in the game
and can i publish my game here if i found a lot of likes
or found some bugs or some things to fix
can i edit it then publish it to applestore ?
or any advice you would like to share
Many people do a beta test using test flight. They'll get some friends or other developers here to help them test. Credits are usually done on a separate page with a button to it from a menu somewhere.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hi @ikad, one important thing to do is to check every scene to ensure you've the correct Orientation set.
So go to each scene in turn, and check for each the following > Scene>Attributes>Autorotate
If your game/app is portrait, then only check Portrait and Portrait Upside Down. If it's landscape, then only check Landscape Left and Landscape Right.
(For reference, f you set the correct orinentation when you made the first screen/scene, then you duplicated the scene every time for the others on the Home>Scene section, each one should be correct, but even then, prob. worth spending a couple of minutes to check still.)
More info about Credits: its not a prerequisite.... only put Credits if you want to - who made the game, who composed the music, etc., (or have to - if using third-party assets which, although free, require you to mention the source, for instance).
But I'll say again, you don't need Credits if you don't want to or don't have to.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Test flight ?
On device "iphone" or pc .. Is it by gamesalad viewer ?
Or there is another way ..
Ok , thanks for replying .
Oh i 'll check my setting ,
Hmmm what about make an Instagram or twitter account about my game
Then post it on credit with e mail or my gs page ?
I mean after publishing it on AppStore .. or this is only for companies ?
Srry am asking a lot ^^'
Thank you @gyroscope
Hi again @ikad No worries, you're not asking a lot.
No way is promoting your game just for companies - try anything and everything you can think of, online or offline, to promote your game, especially if the only cost to you is time.
So yes, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc - all of the social media sites, blog, website -post regularly... but one thing, try to make the tweets, posts, etc, amusing/differernt/fresh every now and then, otherwise people will easily be put off by the same thing every time.
There's a free press release site (with options to pay for certain "upgrades" called prMac - worth checking out.
Also look online for companies who review apps - so-called app review sites - where a lot of them allow you to send a promo app to them for consideration of a review online.
Best of luck - and one last thing to say, which is meant for encouragement of effort needed 99.9% of the time for your game/app to be noticed: there are millions of apps already in the iTunes store and some estimates put the new apps every day as being 1,000+ (that is, any day, every day, another 1000 apps added).
Best of luck.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Testflight is a service now owned by apple that allows you do distribute adhocs to testers without a lot of hassle.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Except for the one day wait every time I upload a new version if you use external testers.
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I really appreciate your explanation .. Thank you. I have benefited greatly
Am looking for test my game on iphone then i 'll share it here
Thanx again
Wish to you all the best .
I 'll try it
Thank you .