Problem when going to Android Adhoc

rab127rab127 Member, PRO Posts: 47


Looking for some help on how to solve a problem. When I make and adroid apk and test it on my samsung s5 the main game level will not play. In Gamesalad the level "plays" fine. What I mean by won't play is that the scene zooms into one actor that is 64x64 and stays there. The scenes leading up to the game level play fine on the phone.

How can I problem solve between Gamesalad and the Adhoc version?

Prior versions of the game level played fine on the phone until I swapped in final art. When swapping in final art I had to resize actors, as the resolution of the final art was not the same as the original holding/testing art.

Is there a best practice technique for replacing an actors art when it is being used in a scene?

Why would the phone dislike a scene that the editor doesn't?

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