Need (Mac) GameSalad Creator v0.10.4.1.
Does anyone have or know where to find this version? Have searched high and low on the Web without success. Thanks much...
Does anyone have or know where to find this version? Have searched high and low on the Web without success. Thanks much...
@ForumNinja may be able to help?
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
Out of interest, why do you specifically need this version?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Here you go, let me know once you have it so I can delete from my Box.
@BBEnk ...sorry for the delay, thanks so much for uploading. Could you please reupload? I recieved an error message.
"Error (404)
We can't find the page you're looking for. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home."
(Novice here) I am trying to upload an app for iPhone that successfully uploaded for the iPad. The scheme seems to have been altered under the newest update. In searching the forum the best advice I've found is "try using the previous version used to create the app".