Character Direction and Fog

Hello! I'm brand new to gamesalad. I have basic knowledge of programing, and have already figured a lot of things out. I'm trying to make a 2d platform game and have a few questions:

  1. How do I make my character stay looking in the direction he/she was moving in? If they move right, they automatically stay looking right when they stop moving because the original actor sprite is facing right. However, if they move left, once they stop moving and the walking animation ends, they revert back to facing the right direction. I looked for hours and found this post:
    But, after trying to implement it, my character just glitches with a spastic left and right animation while staying still and the left walking animation is removed. Any solutions?

  2. A key element I wanted to implement was fog. After looking around, I read that particle effects are the best way to go about this. My game is pixel art based and particles don't always look great with pixel art. I was wondering if there was an alternate way. I would also like to have a visual field around the character when they are in the fog. So, they are able to see farther in front of them than behind them when they are in the fog. Or maybe farther if they have a flashlight of some sorts. Is this possible in game salad? How would I go about doing this?

Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'll come up with more questions as things move along.


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