Universal build iPhone 4 support

MoogusMoogus Member, PRO Posts: 77

Hi guys !!

Putting final touches to a new iOS Universal game. All good on latest devices (5,5c, 6, 6+, iPad air, iPad air2), working fine as should. BUT on legacy iPhone 4, after the loading/splash screen and main game menu, any other menu scenes just display as black page except actual game scene.
There are no heavy images, or even rules ! The scene bkg colour in GS is set to white, so no idea why it goes black on device.

I'm a bit concerned as its a Universal build, but not working across EVERYTHING iOS.

Has Apple and/or GS stopped support of legacy iPhones due to iOS8 update ??

Should I not worry about old legacy iPhones like 4 & 4s ??




  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited December 2014

    The largest side an actor can have in an iPhone 4 is 1024. For example if you try to display text in an actor over that size on a device the entire actor will be black. iPhone 4s and above are I think 2048.

  • MoogusMoogus Member, PRO Posts: 77

    @colander yes thats the conclusion I came to. Yes too heavy for the processor to handle. The issue was a background image. I have now optimised it by splicing it up into small elements, so should work now :) Fingers crossed.

    I should really have done this to start off with (best practice and all that...), but thought it wouldn't have been an issue as full image displayed okay on iPhone5. Don't you love Beta testing :wink:

    For iPhone6+ 1242x2208 !

    Thanks again !

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Sadly you still have to support the iPhone 4/4S or else Apple will reject your game. As an iPhone 4S owner I appreciate this but as a developer it's a real pain in the backside. I strongly suspect this requirement will be dropped next year when Apple stops supporting the 4S.

    Do you have Resolution Independence selected?

  • MoogusMoogus Member, PRO Posts: 77

    @Armelline Yes, the problem was to do with the resolution... too high for the iPhone 4. I corrected the error with splicing the images and it worked fine and wasn't too painful to do this time. So for future reference i'll bare the possible need for splicing in mind, at least till Apple fade out iPhone 4s.

    p.s. Resolution independence was NOT selected

  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603

    @Moogus @Armelline - Most people don't have 4s anymore, due to the processor being far too slow, but 4s' are still quite common. Hopefully within the next year they will be deprecated.

    -- Thomas

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