inventory increase
Hey guys. Looking for some help please. I am making a story, and throughout the story people collect inventory such as food and drink. The problem I have is that on my Inventory screen, I really dont want the item to show on the list unless they actually acquired it through the store. example would be....
Gun or just Food
Food Water
I dont know how i would get the gun to not show on the list until it is actually acquired if that makes sense.
Need a rule like. If "gun acquired is true" than ....(show in inventory screen) otherwise (dont show). But i dont know how to make the list bigger or smaller based on inventory.
You'll want to store the inventory counts in a table, using one row for each item. So if you designate row 1 for "Food" then when you need to increase the number you would change table cell value Row: 1 Column: 1 to tableCellValue(tableName,1,1)+1.
Your rule would be When numerical expression tableCellValue(tableName,1,1) > 0 ... [show in inventory screen]. You could accomplish this by spawning the "Food" actor or by changing its self.Color.Alpha value from 0 to 1.
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It just so happens that I made just made a video for how to make a inventory with limited space
hope this helps
Thank you guys. very helpful!