Iads only showing up on wifi! whats up with that?! :/
Platform. ios:
iads only showing up on wifi! Not mobile data!
Message displayed on boot up of game, sates that: mobile data is turned off for my app and to go to settings to change it,
When I go to settings the app is not in the list? ive looked everywhere,
This is happening in 3 of my games now ever since apple don’t want us to click anything to do with advertising when using iads within the publishing process, has anyone else seen this happening,
For the last 3 games I’ve published I’ve not clicked anything to do with adverts when asked, but I am using iads!
Any help would be most appreciated guys
Dont go to settings....go to cellular....then scroll down to apps allowed to use celluar data. That may be where you should look.
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thanks for the reply @Thunder_Child but no joy!
do you think its because i didn't click anything to do with the "does your app have adds stuff" when publishing! could that be it,
what do you guys click when using iAds, i don't click anything at all in my last few uploads, do you think you have to tick yes it does but not tick any of the boxes!!
heres a pic anyways so show its not there, "Penguin pong frozen ice lollies" should be in that list!
iAds work over wifi i mite add
Ok. I stand corrrcted. It should be under settings....and scroll down to the game. Even if ad hoc and swipe to "use cellular data".
The screen shot you provided under cellular doesnt show the game and your setting. Make sure its set in both places.
The fact that they work over wifi tells me your ads are working. This is a phone setting you need to correct. It got to be a simple fix.
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Thanks man, I hope so, its just 3 of my other games that use iads are actually in that list and work, I still have a suspicion that if we don't click at least the first option while publishing, ie does your game use adds, this happens! as that's what I did with my other games but that was before they started making us not tick anything!
could you download my game Hyper jets as it happens with that ove mobile data also for me, only if you have time man, here's the link, just want to see if others are getting this, I only have one iphone..
thanks in advance dude
"only thought i have now is, could it be because im using my developer test device also!!"
Because your using your test device shoukd not matter. It MUST be a setting I cant explain. Here is a screenshot of your game.
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It may sound silly to ask but is your cellular data switched on?
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Thanks for all your help @thunder_child lol im really stumped with this, yeah my mobile data is turned on, I just don't get it! maybe ive done something in xcode I dunnow haha ill just have to keep tinkering till I sort it out,
Thanks again for confirming that it is working for other people though, something I can be glad about I guess..