Tweet Sheet how to ... noob question
hi Guys
I have read the cookbook page about tweet sheet, but still confused as to how to do it.
So I have.... Set up actor, click on it, tweet appears with what ever txt I put in the expression... all good!
BUT I would like to use a mixture of attributes and text to write a message and can't figure how to do it...
e.g. message: Check out my "BestScore" on name of game etc etc...
My dilemma, I can't surround the attribute with text. In above example the attribute is "BestScore". Could some one in layman's terms point me in the right direction LOL ! I feel such tw@t LMFAO !
p.s. I know the user can edit it the tweet, but ideally want them to be able to just hit tweet rather than change everything instead of playing the game.
"Check out my BestScore "
also when in the expression editor if you want to put a space between the words use ALT and SPACE.
@BBEnk thanks I will do that, especially the space between the words. Life saver !