Setup iADS for first time - Help Needed
This is the first time I want to setup iADS for my game so I get the ID, but when I go to iAd Workbench, under select an app, its asking for App's Apple ID but I don't have that.
Please is there a documentation to follow on setting up iads banner in your game?
iAd workbench is mostly if you want to pay for advertising your game through iAds, so just leave that alone.
Just add the show banner behavior on the pro tab to your game, leave the default 320x50 size and then choose either top or bottom position. Then when you in the gamesalad publishing portal just checkmark iAds. Thats it.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
You don't need workbench, just drag the Gamesalad Banner behavior into your game and your done. All apps automatically receive iAds from Apple nothing to do on there end.
you are kidding me
, that simply? Seriously? But if you take a look at the screenshot for this template I bought, this is how the iAds been set:
Is this correct. Thanks
Well you need to put your banner behavior in a actor. then put that actor on the scene and thats it.
I like to make a actor called iAds and put that on what ever scenes I want ads to show which is all of them,lol.
lol, this means rather than leave the actor outside the game scene, it should be put at the location where i want it to show but set the alpha to 0?
no outside of scene is fine and ads will still show up were you select in Banner Behavior.
Bottom,Top of scene.
mine looks like this:
If you app is universal you can also detect that and show a different size banner like so.
Really sorry guys, I was looking at my Windows version rather than on my mac. My BAD
I am just too used to my Windows machine. Only bought mac to be able to publish iOS so hardly use it daily.
Thanks all.
How do you see iAds reports. When I log into my iTunes connect and go to iADS all I see is Workbench stuff.. I don't see where you can pull ports or analytics to see how well you banner ads are doing.
Maybe I'm slow :-/
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Thanks I just found it... browser was freaking out and not displaying the entire page... I scrolled down and saw the link to monetization...
thanks for the link!