Actor not popping up?
So I don't know why the actor isn't popping up after a specific time has passed. Could anyone help me? I provided the file below.
So I don't know why the actor isn't popping up after a specific time has passed. Could anyone help me? I provided the file below.
Could you provide us more info?
Uncheck Movable in Physics and use Interpolate not Move To.
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What would i put in the interpolate?
self.Position.X To 160 and like the others said you need to put detailed information in you posts. I spent way too much time figuring out what you wanted.
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Thanks colander! Sorry, I'll make sure i put in detailed information in my post before i actually post.
Cool, it makes it a lot easier and more people will be able to help you
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Lol, same here, I gave up
@Socks I recently reinstalled Windows 7 and was just installing GS windows and checking it out which I haven't done for a long time. So it was perfect timing otherwise I wouldn't have either. I can't be too hard on him my questions were a bit vague or too big when I first started posting here
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I just thought it was odd given that the OP knows which actor needs to pop up and what rules control whether it pops up or not, but didn't even tell us which actor we should be looking at, just 'the actor', which - as you alluded to - means anyone trying to help resolve the problem needs to start searching through all the actors and all the rules and behaviours looking for clues (I was actually looking for a spawn actor behaviour which I interpreted 'pop up' as), in the hope that they might find something . . . while all the time the OP knows which actor has the issue but simply hasn't bothered to say . . . I find it weird !
Luckily the forum has people with more perseverance like you, otherwise most of these kinds of questions would just sink unanswered.
Yeah, I'm sure we all were, it's no crime of the century (although I have put in a feature request for monthly forum mock executions for the question with the least information).
Lol love it!
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