Some Attributes Not Loading
Hey all,
I'm having some issues with attributes not either saving or loading. Some of the attributes load and save just fine with no problems. For example, I save a HighScore attribute under the key "HighScore" then load it with the same key on the same attribute in an initial scene that the game starts into the the rest of the loading attributes. But it does not load them and just has the initial value of 0.
Any ideas of why this might be happening?
It can be as simple as a typo (e.g. one key is named HighScore and another is named HighestScore) or as complex as a rule that has a condition that isn't ever true and therefore never saves/loads the attribute.
Can you post screenshots of your load and save attribute behaviors/rules?
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I,m not very sure but perhaps something changed, in the last version of gamesalad, i had a problem with load attributes to change the language of the game.
After testing some things, it appears that NO integer attributes are saving or loading. Is there something wrong?
Yes. But without seeing screenshots or a detailed description of your rules & behaviors, I have no idea what it is.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User