Running time?
I want to have a simple timer kind of display on the top right of my screen to show how long the user is playing so far, something like:
(eg: MM:SS - no need for hours as the clock will not be incremented when the game is not in play and its not possible for anyone to play for more than 30 mins as the game gets too fast for a human)
is there some kind of "digital clock" functionality?
I had a look at game.time but that has a whole bunch of decimal places and it keeps jumping around
Any ideas?
I would suggest looking for a better way than this, because you cannot really do anything with this, but I had two minutes before I went to sleep so I made it. If you can not find a better way, (which you can), then I will make a better demo tomorrow. But in the mean time her you go.
Display text: padInt(game.time/60,2)..":"..padInt(game.Time%60,2)
The OSTime Demo at is a good place to start.
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Thanks! Will check it out!