Penguin Paradise: Jumping animation issue
Hi all,
I am learning how to use GameSalad by modifying Penguin Paradise template.
I believe now I understand how to use scenes, actors, tables etc pretty well and I managed to change some animations such as penguin walking with my own images, but I cannot find a place where game.JumpTriggered attribute is linked to penguin_jumpUp animation so that I can link the JumpTriggered attribute to another set of images.
Under Penguin actor I found a rule which says if game.JumpTriggered = true do the jump sound, change Y velocity, change onSolid = false, but the jumping animation is not there like in the case of penguin walking animation.
Is it a bug of GameSalad or just this animation is implemented in another way?
Can you please help me resolve this?
Many thanks,
I have not seen the template but if you go to the Attributes panel and highlight the JumpTriggered attribute and click the "-" button it will give you a list of actors the attribute is in before the option to delete or cancel it. You now know which actors it is in and can then track it down.
Don't forget to check the otherwise section of the rules. A lot of dev's don't indicate this in the rule header so it can be easy to miss. I always write a description of the rule like "Rule - Does abc OTHERWISE does xyz" to remind me what it does and that there is something in the otherwise section.
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