A curious LUA question.
In regards to LUA
I played with this YEARS ago. Its projects are written in Lua
In the World of Warcraft Game. Most ( if not all ) in game add ons from Curse.com are written and read by the game in LUA.http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Lua-World-Warcraft-Add-ons/dp/1430223715
Are all LUA ... well LUA? Or is their... how would you say it??? ( different Dialects) of LUA?
Where, in regards to Graphene... would one find the best learning material to prep for Graphene style of LUA?
And just out of curiosity....... Could the first link program be useful to creating whats needed for stuff in your graphene projects?
@FINNBOGG LUA is the programing language, doesn't matter what its used for, WoW, Minecraft etc. LUA is LUA. I would save your money right now and start here http://www.lua.org/home.html
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I've never been much of a coder. I'm a wysiwyg guy. What I know about coding or scripting is what I've learned from editing and backwards engineering already created code and script. Thank for the site. Do you know if any good LUA videos @lovejoy
Its been forever since i last messed or even searched for LUA, so thats a negative on videos
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
The Corona SDK and Love both use Lua I believe. You could learn/practice Lua there and keep it in a game development context.
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