Spawn with minimum distance between two different actors
Hi everybody, I'm new here. I'm trying to create a platform game and i need to spawn random platform of two different kinds with a minimum distance between them.
Is there any way to do it?
Make two actors , one named platform and the other named spawner , place the spawned in the middle of your scene .
In the spawnet
make a rule every x seconds spawn actor and in position relative actor put for x value ,700 and in the y pit random(-100,300)
In the platform make it accelerate to the left and that can be the start of it I suppose .
You could do this for an endless runner platform
but from the top of my head I don't know how I would go about doing what you ask sorry
mmm, i don't think it is. I try to explain better, I need to be created from the bottom 2 different kinds of platforms (one good and one evil!) but I do not want them to be too close, otherwise the lead actor can not pass between them
put the cords correctly then??