Twitter behaviour
I'm trying to implement the Twitter behavior so it retrieves the score from a table and uses it within the message.
At the moment nothing happens at all when I click on the link within my app, it's just dead.
Is this behavior broken? Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for what I am trying to achieve...if one exists?
Is it because I'm publishing to Google Play/Android?
Thanks guys.
The only thing that you need to do different is make sure your image is named twitter_yourimagename
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy Yes that's what I luck!
Just to check, do you just type the name of your image into the image box as it is not possible to search for images within the expression search dialogue?
Have you actually tried it on Android? I'm wondering if it is IOS only.
Yea just type it in. I have not used it in a while so can't remember if i used it on android.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Thanks, looks like it's IOS looking for a plan B
Just a would have been really great if you could check a box within Gamesalad to say I'm developing for Android and then all the functionality which is IOS only would get greyed out! Would have saved me loads of frustration and wasted time
I got your plan B.
Use the go to URL behavior and use the link from this site
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
wow man this is awesome link there
My Apps
I don't like to reveal all my tricks, so the next one will cost $$
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy Thanks very much for the link but it's just that I wanted to actually automate the score being part of the message that is generated...hence needing the tweet behavior.