Like my new page for my marketing insight
So over Christmas, I ran two experiments using to see their impact on downloads.
Number 1- Pay for 15 five star reviews
Number 2 - Pay for 20 High retention installs
For me to post my results, I will kinda offer a bribe over this weekend. Please come and 'like' my new app page Catch 100 Balls, which is due for release soon.
If I reach at least 20 Likes, I will post my results on Monday.
Thanks! and Happy New Year!
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Already liked.
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Thanks Braydon
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Where is the dislike button?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
By not Liking it? I'm never afraid to try out new ways of working and doing things - that's what makes being creative fun.
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These types of quid pro quo don't go too well with me. You might as well ask for money, or just don't offer to show the results.
This is just my opinion.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
And this is what I call having a bit of 'fun' - remember that word?
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
Gotcha, best of luck to you.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@jigglybean Personally I'm fine with what you are doing here and good luck to you!
What bothers me a bit is what lurks on the other side of the fence so to speak..
some people expect to receive everything for free without any effort at all on their part.
This is just my opinion.
I am a lover of trying out different ways of working, marketing, making games for example. A firm believer in 'dont ask, don't get' saying and personally, I think the mobile games market is going to have a massive shake up this year.
Which kind of touches on your 'people expect to receive everything for free, without any effort'. Reminds me of those who download your app, rate it one star because it has adverts in it and didn't actually pay a single penny to get it.
Sure, what I am doing here is to have a little fun and to see how many views to Likes I get as another trial and using a carrot/stick approach to increase interest.
We've debated fiverr on here lots of times but hardly anyone has posted their results or discussed what does/not work, which is why I used fiverr as my carrot on a stick.
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I hope this is not referring to me since i have never asked anyone here for anything at all. In fact I've helped plenty of members for free with coding and publishing.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy No, I've got nothing against you personally - I was talking in general terms but obviously not agreeing with you on this topic. To elaborate a little; if @Jigglybean (or anyone else) pays to acquire services and then choose to share the knowledge gained for free then that is honorable but it should not be expected for him to do so. On the other hand, like he is doing here, if he does the same but want something back for sharing then I believe he has all the right to do so also.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una