Can you make ad revenue with Android games in gamesalad?
I have 4 games that I'm working on, 2 of them already on IOS but I want to also put them out for Android. I can use iAds for IOS devices with Game Salad but what do I have for Android? How can I make revenue with ads with an Android game?
Chartboost or Revmob can be used for iOS and android.
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Inside the gamesalad creator, how do you enable Chartboost or Revmob? For iAds, I go to the pro area and add a banner, then in the publish side, I put a check in iAds. What do I do for Chartboost and Revmob?
Whenever you put down a change scene behavior or a pause scene you will notice a tick box that says enable advertising. This will trigger the ad. You must have it added to your fame through the publishing portal though.
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