How to make stars animation rise from ground when actor collides?
I bought a cool gold stars animation that rise up like leaves with the wind, but I don't know how to make them activate when hero hits them. Instead they are always on a loop. The animation I bought is here, made by Zoxtar.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Scott Waring
so i am assuming that there is multiple frames for the star.
so make a rule in the star actor
if collision with hero
animate (insert picture frames here)
there are other ways to use animate but this is simple as you can get. But go look up on it, it should help.
Tried, but didn't work.
I added rule, "Actor receives event, overlaps or collides, with actor of type, yellowstars." Then inserted animation. I missed something important, but not sure what.
you have to add rule to the star actor and make it if it collides with hero
Hey you are right. I put yellow stars at the end when I needed to put hero like this, "Actor receives event, overlaps or collides, with actor of type, hero." Thanks so much...its working great now.