On crossing 1,000,000 downloads -- reflections on the journey

jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353

I just crossed 1,000,000 downloads and I thought I'd share a few reflections on making games and GS:

1) you get out what you put in - like most things in life, with GS this is especially true; if you don't put in the work you'll never really understand how to use GS and it's full potential; i've barely scratched the surface and I consider myself an intermediate; for this reason it's frustrating to see so many posts by people who haven't gone through the most basic GS tutorials - commit to putting in the time - you will get out what you put in

2) learn from the best games on the market - if you are making a platformer, play the best platformers on the market and think through why they are successful; what features do they have? if you don't first understand what is out there, you won't succeed in my opinion. focus on how can you improve the experience? what can you do differently? what niche will your game fill?

3) break new ground - after studying the best, explore how you can break new ground; in GS this requires a deep understanding of its capabilities and limitations; the innovation can only occur within the limits of GS and its not worth endless frustration on what GS is missing. try to break new ground after learning from the masters.

4) commit to the journey - i consider myself ok at game development and i've released dozens of titles and have dozens of prototypes on the shelf; when I look back at things I did a few years ago I shake my head; i'm sure i'll do the same in a few years; it's a journey; your first game will probably struggle but that's ok, it's part of the journey; if you want this bad enough you must commit to the full journey....it will be several years at a minimum

5) ask for help and help others - try to join the GS community; take a few minutes a day and try to help someone and only ask the community for help on things that you can't find answers too; this makes the experience better for all of us and we're stronger as a community as a result; I certainly owe a debt of gratitude to many people and I hope i've helped a few along the way

Thanks gang, happy new year


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