Question about making a quiz game
I have a lot of actors, I am making a questions game, till now I have made the following:
the user presses the play game actor and go to another scene which has 3 actors (question actor, yes actor and no actor )
how can I change the question actor if the user answered the question correctly ?
First, please make your thread titles descriptive rather than just "help please." Everyone here wants help so that's a given. I've change the title of this thread for you.
To change the question actor, you would typically either change the scene to a new scene with a different question (I don't recommend this because of loading times and the fact that you then have to create 100 separate scenes if you have 100 questions) or you would enter the questions and answers in a table and then retrieve new table data once the question has been answered correctly. This is usually done by using a game.questionNumber (integer) attribute that starts at 1 and gets increased by one each time a question is answered correctly. You then use that attribute in a tableCellValue() function in place of the row value. Each question and answer trio is stored in your table in a single row.
To get started since you're new to GameSalad, I strongly recommend that you Google quiz gamesalad and check out the videos, templates, and tutorials available.
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