im making an RPG and in my scene i have multiple exits into different scenes how do i make it so when i go back to the scene i appear at the right stop on the map?
Their could be lots of ways to do this depending on the whole set up of your game but one simple way would be to log the X and Y of your actor (if the camera is following your actor?) before the scene changes and the have it load them coordinates when you return to the map.
Their could be lots of ways to do this depending on the whole set up of your game but one simple way would be to log the X and Y of your actor (if the camera is following your actor?) before the scene changes and the have it load them coordinates when you return to the map.
i cant seem to get that way to work
Its a little tricky with multiple exits and scenes, give me 10 i will have a video for you.
I can't attach the file as I'm not a pro user but i have sent you a PM with my email addy if you want the file.
Hi Darren, mail me the project and ill post it for you.
Here you go @deej011 The project file courtesy of @DeepBlueApps
(see attatched project)
thanks heaps guys
Looks like this might have been covered, but here is another option in case you need it: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page