TableColSum but no TableRowSum

BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
edited January 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)

As I found out I can create a sum within a table by using TableColSum
but I miss the same option for Rows.

Do I overlook it or is it not there?

I have highscore value considering table values (in a row)
based on the unlocked levels.

Here the case in detail:
Pseudo code:

Table Values:

Level 1(row1) gives 1 score

Level 2(row2) gives 3 score

Level 3(row3) gives 5 score

Level 4(row4) gives 10 score

Player has unlocked 2 of 4 levels

Highscore = table row sum(row1 to Amount.LevelsUnlocked)

How would I circle through the relevant rows without TableRowSum


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