Only 5% of Android users paid for Monument Valley
According to, popular game Monument Valley and the developer ustwo have tweeted just how rife piracy is with their game. According to the UK-based developer, only 5 percent of Monument Valley installs on Android are paid for, compared to 40 percent on iOS.
Ustwo also pointed out that the 95 percent of unpaid Android installs does not include the free day of deals on Amazon last month.
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I've always found it much more difficult to get people to pay on Android....that's been my experience.
95% is a very high theft rate,lol.
Even if you make your game free there might be some "ad blockers" out there. It's hard for a developer to survive in the Android Market. Stick to Apple publishing! | Free Stuff
Agreed, all hail king apple!
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I haven't published on Apple mainly due to not owning a Mac and couldn't bear using macincloud. Now I have an iMac, I will probably put something on there soon.
Personally, what IS interesting is that I get more actual sales on Amazon, which is Android then from Google Play. But now GP have pulled the Amazon app, only those who own a Kindle can download your games now.
Just looking at the GP charts, actual sales are pretty low 5-10k to get into the Top 20.
Last year there was a studio who had a popular multiplayer game(names escape me) and they actually had more people playing online than actual sales! They never offered any free trials or app of the days, which pointed directly to piracy.
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All hail freemium games,
so i need a freaking mac to publish to ios!!!!!!!!!!!
Apple is king of the mobile app market.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Android is an admob market.... not a char boost or a Revmov.. or other