Moving an actor behind another actor?

SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75
edited January 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

So, this is most likely extremely silly and simple, but, I have a button that when the player clicks and drags upward, the button moves to the appropriate Y axis position. Now, after a certain part of the screen (No I dont want the actor to cut off after it hits the very top of my scene) there is a box 50 pixels in hight, how can I make it so that once the actor goes past this point, that specific part will go behind the actor? No I do not want it to "collide then destroy actor" I want that select part of the actor to disappear behind it, is this possible? Not entirely sure.

Edit: Said actor is transparent, which is my problem, I want it to go behind it then cut off, is this even possible :neutral_face:


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Can you post a screen shot of what's happening now?

    And have you explored the "Layers" tab. Depending on what you're asking, re-ordering your layers might do the trick.

  • SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2015

    As you can see, I want it to go behind the transparent bar that I have the green arrow pointing at, while still showing the striped background, hope that makes sense

    Edit: The blue striped background is One actor, there are three more actors on screen;
    1) the very top bar (Will eventually display player score
    2) The darker bar below the top bar (Will display players level)
    3) everything below these two, just as a general darkening for the scene

    So as you can see, I want it to go behind Bar two (The darker one) while still showing the background (Radial striped background)

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    If I'm understanding you right, the top part of the striped background will always be visible, with the white tiles passing behind the transparent bar (and since it's transparent they'll be visible behind it), and disappearing.

    To achieve that you'd just need to have a separate image for everything above the transparent bar (or including it if you want them to vanish as they reach the bar, instead).

    Put that image on a higher layer than the tiles. Then when the tiles scroll up, they'll go behind the striped background image at the top.

  • SikkJewFroSikkJewFro Member Posts: 75

    @armelline So you mean take another picture of the radial striped background (the part above where I want them to dissapear) and then place it on a higher layer than the white tiles? If so (I hate to keep throwing problems) but the radial background has a rotation behavior, so If Im understanding what you meant correctly, using a still image of the background wouldn't work.. arggg

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