I need some help about platform !
I created a game for iPhone6 land space platform
but .. i want to publish my game here like gamesalad arcade too ..
my Question is .. do i need to resize my game to gamesalad arcade platform .
or it's okey with iphone6 platform .
can i play my game on pc clearly ?
You should be able to publish the game directly to the Arcade. The publishing process will scale it to fit in the arcade size window I believe.
I don't have a PC so I can't say about the second part of your question but I'd assume it will be fine.
Games in the arcade typically work slightly differently depending on what browser they are played in, I've had the best luck with Chrome.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Thank you Jamie
i 'll try that .
I 'll announce my game soon
i hope you try it