Spawn actors at random times without them eventually spawning at the same time

CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27
edited January 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)

I am creating a car game where the main car (You) needs to avoid cars that are coming down the road, and to do this you need to switch lanes. The main problem I have is spawning in the Enemy cars that are coming down. I am wrapping Y

I used this timer that would spawn in the actors at random times but the actors eventually ended up spawning at the exact same time and i lost the game because i couldn't go to any free lane.

It would help if someone could help me with the code, and provide a spawner that would spawn cars at set positions at completely different times and they never spawn at the same time.

Best Answer

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer

    My demo is a bit more complicated than what you just posted, which has some basic errors (random values from 1 to 7 cannot equal 8; having a rule with All conditions selected instead of Any and conditions that can't be true at the same time means that the rule will never fire; etc.) but hopefully you find it useful.

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  • Simple AppsSimple Apps Member Posts: 158

    I think you can use only one actor to spawn enemies down.
    and make the spawner to move left and right.
    and spawn at random timings. i hope you understand.

  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    Do you know how i would do that? and im not quite sure what you mean

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    I recommend not wrapping Y and just spawning cars randomly.

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  • Simple AppsSimple Apps Member Posts: 158
    edited January 2015

    make self attribute (start X )for the Spawner

    1st rule:

    change attribute (start X) to (self position x)

    2nd rule:


    when self position x = self start x

    interpolate self position x to selfstart x -200

    3rd rule


    when self position x = self start x-200

    interpolate self position x to selfstart x

  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    Yes i understand what you mean but my game is kind of like the game on the app store 2 cars by ketchapp if you guys have it. I need to avoid the cars that spawn at the top of the screen by moving left or right but the problem i have with this is that all the cars i have set up to spawn eventually spawn at the same time and there is nothing i can do.

  • Simple AppsSimple Apps Member Posts: 158

    You take two spawnners
    one move left and right between 1 to 100
    and another move left and right between 100 to 200
    so that the enemies don't spawn at the same time

  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    This is a picture of the sort of game i am trying to create. I understand what you are saying but i need the cars to come down the Y axis and the main actor just to stay in the same spot and move left and right

  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    ive got the actor moving and the walls set up its just the enemy actor bit and the spawning which i am struggling with

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited January 2015

    You rejected my answer so I'm trying to understand what you need. Do you need the car actors to wrap? I've never played 2 Cars but it looks like the shapes don't actually wrap in that game:

    What might help is to have a description of how you want the cars to spawn. For example, do you want only one (randomly chosen from four choices) car to spawn at a time? Or do you want up to four cars to spawn in four separate lanes? In the image you posted (, it shows two cars spawning at the same time in different lanes. Is this okay?

    Lastly, what actual rules have you tried so far for spawning?

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  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    As you can see in that video the shapes spawn in at the top and move down i am trying to do the same concept but with cars. My problem is ive searched on youtube and the forums and all of the spawning methods i have tried the cars eventually spawn at the exact same time (all cars spawn in a row) and the main character has nowhere to go apart from losing.

  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    I want to spawn a car randomly from four or more choices so the player has more options on where to go

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited January 2015

    I see what you're saying. I have a demo that shows how to do this but you'll need to figure out how to modify it so that it's not always 3 of 4 cars.

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  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2015

    This was the first behaviour i tried from looking at a youtube video but it was not what i was looking for

  • CraigMackCraigMack Member Posts: 27

    Yeah thanks

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    You asked about spawning 5 actors. To do so you would add two more spawn actor behaviors which would also require two more table rows. The random number in the demo chooses a row NOT to spawn. So currently, it chooses 1 of 4 rows but you could change that to 1 of 6 for example to spawn 5 of 6 possible positions.

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