URL takes user directly to ratings page.
On a recently downloaded app I noticed that their rate button directs the user to the "Reviews" area of their app on the app store. I thought Apple got rid of the ability to do this. Is it possible to do this with GameSalad? Thanks.
Hello @jesse75,
It is possible to do this but the issue that occurs is you will need to publish your app then once it is approved and in the app store you get the URL for your app and put that in your app. Do the changes to your app needed for when you want the rate button to show, to not show any more, etc. Once you finish updating that, publish a new build with the rate button stuff in it to Apple, then once that is approved it will work. It stinks that we can't some way send a push notification to the app or tell it to look for it's URL or something along those lines but this is how you would accomplish this.
There have been some individuals who have made vids on how to accomplish this. Just simply to a search on creating a rate my app button in GameSalad and you should find something! Hope that helps!
Thanks. I will look into those tutorials.
@jesse75, you can actually find your AppID as soon as you have created the app in iTunesConnect (before publishing).
Go to the "More" tab and select "View on App Store". This will not show anything yet since your app will not be on the store yet, but you can see your AppID in the address bar.
To link to the App, use the Open URL behaviour.
The safe option, takes you to your main app page and is region independant:
http://appstore.com/app/[YOUR APP NAME WITHOUT SPACES]/id[YOUR APP ID]
e.g. http://appstore.com/app/angrybirds/id7362534
Second option, takes the user to the actual review tab on your app page, but is country specific and may fail:
https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=[YOUR APP ID]&type=Purple+Software&mt=8
e.g. https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=892608212&type=Purple+Software&mt=8
@jesse75 @KillerPenguinStudios Guys you can get the URL for your Apple IOS app before you publish it. When you setup a new IOS app in iTunes Connect click on the More Tab then there is an option to "View on App Store" Select that and you will see the link to your app. The link will become live when your app is live on the App Store. Below is the link that takes you directly to the review area of your app just replace the xxxxxx with your app id number. The link broke when IOS 7 first came out and recently it has been fixed.
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Before submitting an app, I always add the rate link via the Open URL behavior but I was unaware that apple let us point directly to the reviews tab. Now that I know it is county specific, I will not worry about it. Thanks for the info!
The rate link below is not country specific. This is the first time I have heard this. Only the app link generated by the "View on App Store" option as it has US in it which is country specific but I believe it will redirect based on your local store or you can take the US out or use the short form on the link which will achieve the same result and open in your local app store. I tested the rate link below by changing my App store to multiple countries and it worked with no issues.
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Firstly, my second url is a hack and non public url to apple. It is widely used but changes at apple can, and have, broken this link in the past.
As it is a deep link, it does not allow for the usual redirects that apple does if the app was not found in your region's store - result can be an error page.
Many thanks! @neoman for the link tip... 8-)
No problems @JJAZE. I am glad you found it useful.
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