How do I animate THEN perform action?
Hey there,
I have made an actor that spawns an enemy actor every 3 seconds. I have also drawn a few sprites to animate a trapdoor of sorts that opens and shuts. How do I get the spawn actor to animate and then spawn the enemy? I've tried a timer set to "every 3 seconds" and following that a spawn actor action, but it doesn't show the animation, or if it does, it does it very fast. I have tried using a local boolean variable to switch between animating and spawning, I think its the timers...
I'm brand new to this (3rd day playing about with GS) so apologies for the noob problem. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
Hey @Daftbomb,
It's possible that you don't have enough frames for your animations to run well. Also, are you trying to animate open, then spawn, then animate close???
Thanks for the reply. If I run the animation constantly outside a timer it works perfectly, I only use 4 different images at about 15fps but it's smooth enough for the style I'm using. The moment I move it inside a timer it doesn't work. Because of the speed of the spawn animation I'm not too fussed about a midway spawn but that'd be the icing on the cake.
I've settled for having them animate constantly, but I'd dearly love to understand what is causing this/a solution.
I would do it like this . . . let's imagine our animation sequence is this . . . .
. . . you would run the animation as normal (with the animation behaviour) and then place the spawn behaviour in a rule that reads:
When self.image is Xframe009 . . . then do the spawn.
That's brilliant, makes so much sense. Thank you, I shall give that a go.
@Daftbomb We have a free template so you can see what Socks said in action, it also does some other cool things like cycle through the animation a set number of times before doing X.
Thank you all for your replies. That video really helped me nail it down.
Having an animation within a timer still isn't working for me, so I've created a boolean "start spawing" set to false. Then within a timer I set it to true. The animation only runs when true, and using your suggestions of using the name of an image in rules I can set it back to false whilst spawning an enemy.
Perfect solution, many thanks
Now, if only I could figure out why the first enemy I spawn won't die I'll be laughing (all others do)