User photos in game?
After searching the forums, I think I know what the answer is going to be...
Some GS Users have asked if photos can be imported from either their phone gallery, or from the camera, which is a definite no.
But, is there a way that users can link their Instagram or Facebook (or anywhere, for that matter?) accounts for their photos to be used in game?
This is also probably a straight out NO, if so, is there anything on the roadmap for this kind of function in the future?
As always, thanks in advance!
(or any alternative workarounds that you clever lot can think of?)
At the moment there is no possible way to have a "workaround" since all image data must be loaded on the app before it's even published to the store. As far as the road map I am not sure if it is something that the GS team is planning on implementing. There are really limited uses for it since we aren't making too many server based games. | Free Stuff
Cool, thanks for the reply @MattButlerStudios, its what I thought the answer was going to be.
Another related question then, is it possible for me to host some photos online or on a server, and pull them through using tables somehow? This then giving me the option to update the photos/images in my game for different holidays/seasons/themes, without submitting an App update?
Heres hoping...
@gizmokris That is a good question. I don't know a whole lot about Gamesalad's networking behaviors but I don't think they send any sort of image data. I believe that they strictly send data values such as player names and attribute changes. I could be wrong but I believe those behaviors mainly access the data already stored on the game itself. | Free Stuff
That's correct.
@MattButlerStudios , again, thanks for your thoughts and reply! Sounds like you have more of an understanding of network behaviours than you might think
Thanks for the confirmation, @JSproject!
Well, looks like I'll have to update new themes through an app update then..
... unless.... there is a way to select certain images at certain times of the year using the clock/date of the device?
(I know, Im clutching them straws now, but the way I see it, is theres usually a way to get something done.. its just working it out) :-D
Ahhh, so I just looked on the off chance and saw the 'Device > Clock > Month' attribute options, interesting!
Heres my next question then, can I create a rule to say: if the month is December, then use these images'?
(obviously not qute like that, but with that outcome)
@gizmokris you most definitely could select a background that is already in the game using the internal clock. Be sure to put an otherwise image just in case you don't specify a date. That way you don't have a game without a background. | Free Stuff
@MattButlerStudios Awesome, I'll investigate this further then and check it out!
I was thinking more than just a background, but images used in actors that are spawned.
In my head Ive got an idea how this would be possible, using attributes and an organised bunch of images that are named appropriately.
I do like a challenge! :-D
Thanks again Matt
Inside of the background actor or any actor that you want to change just make a rule as follows:
(game.clock.month is being used)
Change Image Attribute:

Change Self.Image by Name:

By using the Change Self.Image by Name method, you can store the values in a table and take them out according to the month you want.
Just some ideas | Free Stuff
@gizmokris As photography is an aspect of my business, I have two apps that are pretty much just galleries of images, with audio attached to each image. The images are almost full screen and the apps are universal builds. However, the images are built into the app. An app with 50 images is only 43 MB.
This may not be helpful for a game, but the other way to showcase images in an app is to put them on a Website gallery and use the Go to URL behaviour. You can change the images on the Web page as often as you like. It takes users out of the app though, but it works.