Scoring System

I'm having trouble with my scoring system. I have a game where I dodge the floating obstacles and dodging the obstacle will give you a point. I have the scoring system displayed but I cant get it to where every time my actor dodges the obstacle the actor receives a point. What do I do?


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    You'll need to explain or show what your rules look like. For example, what rule are you using to determine whether the actor dodges the obstacle?

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  • commandercody12commandercody12 Member Posts: 4

    im controlling the actor with the mouse and im just moving the actor around with the mouse to dodge the obstacles

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited January 2015

    @tatiang said:
    You'll need to explain or show what your rules look like. For example, what rule are you using to determine whether the actor dodges the obstacle?

    I'd need to see the actual rule (code) to know how you're doing this and why it's not working for you. How does your game determine that the actor "dodged" an obstacle? It's not like there is a "dodge" behavior built into GameSalad. So are you determining score by the elapsed time, or by checking to see if the obstacle's Y position is a certain value, or by having the obstacle actor collide with a barrier actor of some sort, or...?

    The point is, there are usually a dozen different ways to do something in GameSalad. It's not enough to just describe what you're doing. You have to actually show what the rules look like either by typing them out or including a link to a screenshot you've uploaded to a site such as MediaFire.

    Edit: or are you asking how to set up such a rule? It wasn't clear from your first post if you had tried to set this up and it wasn't working or if you were asking how someone might set this up.

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