My first game is here .. but there're some problems :(
here is my first game finally ...
but i have some problems :
when i open it by Safari , the sounds are not working
when i open it by google chrome , the sounds are working good but i feel the player is heavy ?
i hope u try it and tell me the good and the bad about my game
Use Firefox it's work good
good job on a first game, but i found a bug
if you double jump and hit a piece of ground, you can double jump again. so I was able to basically fly around the level as long as I kept hitting the underside of a platform
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Thank you
Hmmm , any suggestion to fix that bug ?
search through the forums for platforms and jumping, there have been many threads on it in the past, I'm not sure how those people solved it
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Nice gameplay! Congrats on your first game | Free Stuff
okey , thank you so much
glad for your reply
Thank you ^^
Nicely done! Did you do the art in Procreate? I think you've got a good game premise going. I loved how you let the player figure out where to go. When he went down the ladder was awesome. I thought the bad guys were a little difficult to get past in level one though. Finally, It took me a moment to realize the tree in level two was a platform. I think that maybe you could add a line that looks like it's part of the tree, but acts to indicate that it's a platform. Ok I lied. This is the last thing. I think that it'd be cool to develop the story and make a bit like a mystery.
It pretty Frikin' Wizard bro! Good Job!
@ikad when i was testing a platformer I had the same problem as you > @jonmulcahy said:
Im not good at Gamesalad or anything, but what I did was to create an invisible actor and placed it on the platform. The invisible actor would be slightly smaller than the platform, just make sure the sides of the invisible actor don't extend out of the platform, and make the actor rise SLIGHTLY above the platform image. Then instead of using the platform in your jumping rules, use the invisible platform. It worked for me I hope this helps
Yes i used procreate ,
thanks for details
yeah it's my first try of creating game so it's may include a lot of bugs
maybe in future .. Thanx
I 'll edit my game then upload it again
thank u this helped me a lot ^^
Great job! much better than my first game. I wish you good luck on app making.
Thank you ^^
Wish to you all the best too .