[solved] Alpha Color for increasing Transparency
I want my actor to slowly getting transparent to invisible.
I dragged in a timer and selected every 0,1 seconds.
In this timer I dragged Change Attribute: self.Color.Alpha to self.Color.Alpha -0,01
The problem is that it doesn't work. (Do I just don't see it because the Preview can't display this stuff but it will be visible on my target device?!) The only thing that works is Change Attribute: self.Color.Alpha to self.Color.Alpha -1 but that's not very useful.
Is there another way or did I do something wrong?
Best Answer
tatiang Posts: 11,949
The demo and rules I posted in this thread might be of help: http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/comment/515481/#Comment_515481.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
This should work just fine, maybe you have it set up wrong ?
Interpolate alpha to 0.
Interpolate does work and it's useful but please try exactly what I said and you will see it does not work or I am again the dumbest person alive on planet. (That's how I always feel after my questions gets answered.)
Reduce alpha by 0.01 every 0.1 seconds . . . . works just fine, you'd probably just set it up wrong.
It's not a question of being dumb... it's a question of making mistakes. It's easy to make small mistakes in GameSalad* such as typing in an attribute name instead of selecting it from the attribute browser, forgetting that you unlocked an actor in the scene and are therefore using an instance with different rules from the prototype, forgetting that you created an attribute as an integer but are trying to give it real values such as 0.546, etc., etc., etc. Believe me when I say we've all been there. I don't think it's possible to use GameSalad for an extended amount of time without making tons of mistakes.
But enough of the pep talk! Here's a demo.
*This, by the way, is why people like @Socks and myself are constantly clamoring for everyone to post their actual rules, screenshots, project files, etc. It's much easier to figure out why something doesn't work when you can _see_ the mistake. Just guessing about possible causes doesn't often get us closer to a solution.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
What can I say true true true. I didn't want to post a screenshot or a whole project because it was too short to make something wrong. I THOUGHT. I checked your file and it WORKED however life is short I will move on with interpolate.
(It has more options.)
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