Google Play store removed Pewdiepug
So they just removed my most successful bill paying app out of their store..
Here is Why:
So they just removed my most successful bill paying app out of their store..
Here is Why:
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I do hope you updated the app accordingly and succeed in having it reviewed. Also, thanks for sharing the story with us; it's a lesson learned for all of us. Thanks, regards.
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Sorry to hear about your app. Welcome to the robot that is googleplay. Good luck in getting a response. And you do need to be careful, or they will shut you down in the blink of any eye.
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Sorry to hear the bad news friend. IT WILL BE OK. Just update the app and get it back in the store. I wish you continued succes man. I will tell everyone I know to download the app once it is back in the store.
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Sorry to the bad news, don't give up @BigDave
The rule that says that apps cannot gain reviews through any kind of incentivisation seems reasonable enough to me, incentivised reviews - if allowed - would be open to all kinds of abuse, I can imagine some app where you can only get to the final level by leaving a 5 star review ! Lol : )
Encouraging guenuine feedback - and genuine levels of feedback - is one of many ways to lend the app world (App Store included) some credibility, if developers were free to control, encourage, steer and otherwise manage an app's feedback I'm sure we'd all complain loudly that Apple/Amazon/Google should do something about it.
I agree that incentivied ratings is probably wrong but I hate the way Google deal with these issues.
They treat developers like absolute crap! They have no appreciation about how much work goes into these things and act like some big mafia boss giving you a royal slap!
A more personal approach or a simple request to change the app is more appropriate. Most developers would be happy to oblige. If you refuse to oblige they could then get all bully-boy about it.
Sorry to hear about that @BigDave
But it does seem like a valid suspension of the app, just fix it up and get it back on the store.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
This is the's been pulled completely from the store, you can't upload an update! All you can do at this stage is upload a totally new app and start again from 0 downloads.
The only option is to appeal which is all completely automated with no contact at any stage with an actual human being. You then sit at home with fingers crossed hoping the app you worked for years on will be reinstated so you can update it. If it fails the appeal then your work is gone forever.
Good luck @BigDave I've been there and luckily mine was reinstated after an appeal...hope they give you a chance too.
Ah dang, i misunderstood then. Thats really crappy
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
If this were the case then you could simply ignore the terms and conditions and upload your app with whatever features you wanted . . . . and if you were unlucky enough to have your transgression spotted then all you need do is remove the offending feature/function . . . . so the temptation here would be to do as you please, for example: gather personal information or include age inappropriate material or incentive reviews or include hidden credit card costs (etc etc) . . . try whatever you want, as you'd have nothing to loose, you might even get away with it for a few weeks or months, and when caught you just need to remove the offending function.
And if developers were happy to oblige with Google's request to change a feature or function in their app then rather than adopt a personal approach (which I am guessing would be cost prohibitive with hundreds of thousands of developers to deal with) then the most logical thing to do would be for Google to simply list their preferences in a document and have everyone agree that they are happy to oblige with Google's request that they abide by this list of preferences. Which is what the T&C essentially is.
@Socks I agree with pretty much everything you said and I understand that they are fighting against unscrupulous people most of the time. I understand in this case it is pretty obvious where the breach of the T&C has occurred.
In my case though my app was pulled with a rather cryptic message about breaching the T&Cs and leaving me with no idea what I did wrong. After a week it was reinstated and I still to this day have no idea what I did wrong. It is incredibly frustrating not being able to contact anyone for more specific advice.
I know there are thousand of apps being submitted every day but Google is also quite a large company. It's not an excuse for terrible service to developers, many of whom are trying to do the right thing.
Agreed, dealing with large corporations is incredibly frustrating, it's like talking to a brick wall, they could at least have pointed you to the specific part of the T&Cs you breached.
I'm sad because even if the ratings where incentivized they were honest in scale and good.
I also now got their response the question if they can re-enable it since I updated all my apps and will do this also with the pug.
Their answer:
Hi David,
Thank you for reaching out to the Google Play team.
After further review, we are unable to reinstate your application. You can find out more information under Reason for Removal in the initial removal notification from Google Play. If your account is still in good standing and the nature of your app allows for republishing, you may consider releasing a new, policy compliant version of your app to Google Play under a new package name.
If you do choose to re-publish a new, policy-compliant version of your app, please make sure to review the Content Policy and visit the Policy Help Center for additional guidance to ensure your next app is compliant with the policy.
Due to the volume of appeals, we will be unable to respond to follow-up queries where we have no new information to share.
My Apps
i played with the fire and hurt myself..
So your right
your right they should contact me first. give me time to respond.
Specially they see I'm your indie dev.
I'm not big company such a pull hurts me very hard.
thanks guys for your support and kind words.
I will re-upload it tomorrow morning and hope it catches on from scratch.
My Apps
@BigDave Really really sorry to hear that!
'Due to the volume of appeals, we will be unable to respond to follow-up queries where we have no new information to share.' This is the bit I find really frustrating, a stock message basically saying don't bother us anymore.
I've tried contacting Google prior to releasing an app before as I was not exactly sure if something in my app would be seen as breaking their rules. There is absolutely no way to contact anyone. I did find an email address eventually but had no response. I had to upload my app and take the gamble. Maybe 6 months or a year down the line it will also be pulled out of the blue with no redress.
I think the answer is to be absolutely squeaky clean in future, any element of doubt then don't do it. That's my mantra now anyway. Boring isn't it!!!
Sorry again BigDave
It's like everything in life - who has the time to sit down and read every single word in the terms and conditions? In the UK, many companies hide behind their T&Cs which in some cases contain more words than a 1000 page book.
In this case, yes Dave has held his hands up, but a common sense approach from Google would be to suspend the app, instead of just removing it. Highlighting the problem, then allowing the developer to at least replace it.
What concerns me is that the app has been available for some time and it's only highlighted now?!
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Yeah they don't review their apps.
But if one of this underdogs reaches the top 100 they look closer.
I handed in 34 apps on google play i never had rejection or comment.
There is no review process just a delay time to arrive in the store.
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The thing that worries me most is the opportunity for the big boys go through your app with a fine toothed comb if you are successful enough to start to encroach on their territory. Then to raise a complaint with Google who will just trash your app immediately. This is why squeaky clean is the order of the day for me from now on.
The game is back up, at-least a new version starting from scratch.
I'm thankful for each rating, specially since the first rating done was 1 star by who ever.
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I only have iOS devices but I left a 5 star review on the iTunes store. I should be review # 141 when it posts. Amazing game by a talented game developer!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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I have a feeling its going to rise up even better than before!
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Downloaded + reviewed ★★★★★ !
I hope you get back up there.
but it does look a great game.
Would download but have no space
BIG thanks to you guys!
Your great.
np and thanks
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consider developing in iOS? xDD
i just realized that it is available in the app store too xD sorry
@BigDave may i know what program do you use to design your game?
photoshop,game salad and audacity
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It is annoying when someone rates your game 1 star and leaves no feedback or anything. I swear people just do it 'because they can' and have no idea the amount of hard work that goes in to the game, especially from an indie.
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