Pro support ticket not answering

MichalChMichalCh Member, PRO Posts: 115


I have open several pro support tickets and the oldest one is from December (24th) and no one is answering till today! I'm having an issue (error in game) and my game crashes. I have sent logs etc and no one from GameSalad staff is answering anything to me. Do you guys have the same problem? I cannot sell my game because of that error and GameSalad isn't helping at all right now. What shall I do?



  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    I'd do two things - I'd PM @dgackey and also post the issue on the forums to see if anyone here can help you.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685
    edited January 2015

    @MichalCh said:

    I have open several pro support tickets and the oldest one is from December (24th) and no one is answering till today! I'm having an issue (error in game) and my game crashes. I have sent logs etc and no one from GameSalad staff is answering anything to me. Do you guys have the same problem? I cannot sell my game because of that error and GameSalad isn't helping at all right now. What shall I do?


    Gamesalad dont answer support tickets for help requests. They will most likly see this report as a "user error" whereas you may have made a mistake in your logic. Its a shame they simply dont send you a reply with "Sorry we dont offer this level of support" but they choose to simply ignore your ticket.

    Like @Armelline‌ has just said will prob be better posting your problem in the forums with more in depth details and getting to the bottom of it yourself.

  • MichalChMichalCh Member, PRO Posts: 115

    @Armelline‌ @gingagaming‌

    There is special topic in pro support ticket called somehow "My game crashes and I don't know why/can't resolve that" And they answered me like 3-4 weeks ago to send logs from Xcode and I did so. Since then they switched person from "Bob" to "Liz Becker" to take care of it and no reply since then. Because in log it's written something like "too much wake/sleep cycle, 364 over 300 seconds, limit 150/300 seconds". And I send the whole log to them and ask what behaviour makes on iOS sleep/wake cycle to do something about it and no answer ...

  • RabidParrotRabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Member Posts: 956

    Does the game crash while you are viewing it on your mobile device? Does the GS program crash while you are using it? Also, calling out someone especially by their full name isn't going to get you anywhere.

  • MichalChMichalCh Member, PRO Posts: 115

    GS Viewer doesn't crash on Mac (if you meant that). Only when I test that on mobile devices. It crashes all the time every 5 minutes as I wrote because of some sleep/wake cycles. All the time every 5 minutes. Do you guys know what behaviour makes sleep/wake cycle on devices? Because the limit is 150 and I have 364 over 300 seconds.

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