Need help making Brick Breaker paddles non-movable by ball only.
I'm trying to make a simple brick breaker game for practice as i'm new to the program, but i'm unsure how to make my paddles moveable by my keyboard inputs, but unmovable by the ball. I have rules set up so that my arrow keys control the paddles movement, but because "moveable" is ticked in the actor tab the ball knocks the paddle off the screen. If i untick "moveable" then i can't move the paddle with my arrow keys. Please help :S
Hi! I think it is important that you learn to find this sort of thing in the forum, this has been asked and answered many times before, with a couple of searches you find it ... also I recommend following one of the many tutorials out there.
In this way, you'll be able to go much faster and learn more
Thanks, i found two posts asking about two moveable actors colliding but there were no responses to either of them. However digging through i found out that while non-moveable actors have no physics applied to them, that doesn't mean their static X/Y positions can't be changed rapidly to give the appearance of moving