Lock my screen orientation
My game requires the accelerometer. Only problem is that i have selected which landscape to use in my game attributes and in the scene attributes, but it still changes. Am I doing something wrong?
My game requires the accelerometer. Only problem is that i have selected which landscape to use in my game attributes and in the scene attributes, but it still changes. Am I doing something wrong?
Are you adhoc testing and this is happening? Make sure when you are publishing in the GS portal that you do NOT have a portrait option clicked.
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No im just testing with the GS viewer. No other options are clicked. Only the Landscape Left.
I don't know if you tried changing these, but it's worth a try
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Yes Matt, I changed those under the scene attributes and also under Game, then devices, then Screen. I changed the two drop down menus to the same Landscape Left. I also pressed "save" just incase that was somehow needed haha.
The GS view app rotates no matter what setting you have applied in the game, it's a known bug/issue. If you need to not rotate while testing you'll need to do a full adhoc build.
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Oh, thank you Jamie!
You're welcome.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page